Sunday, December 7, 2008

Random Thoughts

Hi People,

Was feeling very bored and down today, so just put a few random lines down and tried to rhyme them. It is not an effort at any serious poetry. Hope none of the serious poets get offended.

Feeling like I am lost in a crowd
With no reason to be found
Nothing I have done which makes me proud
Dark thoughts, my senses shroud
Such dull pain, the feeling so profound
Like from the seventh heaven I have hit the ground
Can`t hear nothing, no sweet sound
Like in a well of despair I have drowned
Feels like with a wreath of spikes, I have been crowned,
Like on a stake I`ve been gagged and bound
Like a hammer my head begins to pound
Like I'm being pursued by a ferocious hound

I feel afraid and I look to the heavens,
In the hope of salvation & forgiveance,
(Suddenly) Descends on me a feeling of reverence
I can smell flowers & their sweet fragrance
Seems like I am in trance
I feel so light, as if on the air i can dance
Like sprightly deers I can prance
And I realise I've got another chance

To live life to the full & not worry about the could have beens
That there is a lot of goodness that I haven`t seen
Lifes not just `bout a bed of rose
Itz `bout smiling thru the deepest woes
And still being happy is the key
And thatz wot I`m going to to be
To be glad and carefree....

Addendum : Am stuck in office tonite due to the torrential rains in Mumbai.... GOD knows how we are gonna get home. Gives me another inspiration for a blog. Will write about it when I get the time.

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